How to make a Freeze Dried Cheeseburger without Soggy Buns -- Cheeseburger Soup Recipe

How to make a Freeze Dried Cheeseburger without Soggy Buns — Cheeseburger Soup Recipe

****Please note**** I used 3/4 Cup of potatoes in this video. I forgot to include the amount used. This is the time of year everybody is grilling outdoors. Have you ever tried to rehydrate a freeze dried cheeseburger on the…

Mountain House Chicken & Dumplings Vs. Harvest Right Home Freeze Dried w/ Recipe

Mountain House Chicken & Dumplings Vs. Harvest Right Home Freeze Dried w/ Recipe

Today we have another Mountain House vs. Harvestright Home Freeze Dryer comparison. Mountain House chicken and dumplings are pretty good for commercial freeze dried food. I will give you a recipe for freeze dried chicken and dumplings that should be…

Freeze Dried Jambalaya 🍤🍤 Using the NEW! Food Funnel Mylar Bag Holder😮

Freeze Dried Jambalaya 🍤🍤 Using the NEW! Food Funnel Mylar Bag Holder😮

We are making up some freeze dried Jambalaya today and using our new product– the Food Funnel / Mylar bag holder. Jambalaya is a dish from the south using shrimp and chicken (for our recipe) that incorporates rice, peppers, onion,…