Ferro Rod Techniques from a Green Beret | Gray Bearded Green Beret

Ferro Rod Techniques from a Green Beret | Gray Bearded Green Beret

Joshua teaches practical ferro rod techniques for any situation. Subscribe to GB2 Membership here: https://graybeardedgreenberet.com/membership/ I’m Joshua Enyart, former Army Ranger (Bco 1/75; Ranger Class 10-96), and Green Beret (18B, 7th SFG). To see my upcoming courses and in-person training,…

This Stuff is Incredible: Put it in Your Survival Kit

This Stuff is Incredible: Put it in Your Survival Kit

Fire is one of the most important skills to learn for emergency preparedness. In this video we discuss firecraft and all t Build Your fire kit Ultimate Fire tinderhttps://canadianpreparedness.com/collections/firestarting/products/fast-fire-stick-new-2020 Matches…