Survival Tip: Cup Holder Survival Kit

Survival Tip: Cup Holder Survival Kit

Your Second Amendment rights, and channels that feature the safe usage of firearms on YouTube, are under attack. Please subscribe to our Rumble channel before YouTube inevitably nukes all channels that have anything to do with firearms … โ–บ…

Survival Tips: Frozen Behind The Wheel!

Survival Tips: Frozen Behind The Wheel!

Can the will to survive be taught? Every year people die behind the wheel and itโ€™s not always from a crash. Hypothermia can kill those that are unprepared and unfortunately find themselves broke down or stranded in below freezing temperatures.…

Primitive Survival: How To Make A Stone Knife

Primitive Survival: How To Make A Stone Knife

In this video, primitive survival expert, Tyler White teaches us how to make a cutting instrument from a stone. We’re fixin to celebrate 300,000 YouTube subscribers. We’ll be doing a draw on the day we hit 300,000 and will be…

Primitive Trapping Techniques and Cast Iron Cooking | Gray Bearded Green Beret

Primitive Trapping Techniques and Cast Iron Cooking | Gray Bearded Green Beret

How to make an opposing notches trap trigger, suitable for use with land and water trapping and fishing, company called the “Spring Pole Snare”. In addition, how to cook a steak in a cast iron pan on a campfire. Music…