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Making your own yogurt at home

Yogurt, a simple food with ancient origins, has undergone countless transformations throughout history. It is a staple in the Middle East and Asia and is associated with health and longevity….

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The Thinking Man’s Survival Fishing Kit

Perhaps no other activity will produce more calories of food per calorie spent procuring it than fishing, provided you have the good fortune to have your survival ordeal happen someplace…

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How to attract natural garden predators to help you get rid of pests

Initially, when I began gardening, I dedicated a significant amount of time to understanding how various predators, such as flies, wasps, spiders, and others, could effectively control the population of…

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Pets and Survival – Survivopedia

Pets are an important part of many people’s lives. We all have a natural affinity for animals, especially in our childhood years. Raising a puppy or kitten is an important…

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Food Procurement Gear that Won’t Weight You Down

What survival food procurement gear can a survivalist include and still stay within the size and weight constraints for a Survival Kit, Go Bag, or a lightweight Get Home Bag…

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Is rural living for you – Learn from these experiences

Many people today yearn to leave the hustle and bustle of the corporate world and embrace a simpler lifestyle that is closer to nature. For some, this means moving to…

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5 Most Dangerous Pests and How Survivalists Can Manage Them

Some of the most dangerous pests you’ll run into are also some of the most common. Unfortunately, while there may not be a surefire way to eliminate the problems that…

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How to use tarps in your garden

In 2016, I was introduced to the concept of occultation, also known as tarping, during a visit to a friend’s farm in Oregon. My friend employed tarping as a method…

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If Global Warming Were Real

The political left has been pushing the idea of global warming for decades now. They call it “climate change” now, because the data isn’t backing up the global warming narrative….

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Five animals you should have on your homestead

It seems that the food shortages, the soaring gas prices, and the lack of trust in the supply chain have made folks reconsider their priorities. Crowded cities are no longer…