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Building a Personal Survival Library

I don’t know about you; but references are important to me. Even though I write, talk, and experiment about survival full-time, I can’t remember all the finer details of many…

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How to survive the aftermath of urban disasters

In the last decade or so, it seems that a lot of people became aware of the need for a survival plan, and this became an even more demanding reality…

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Keeping Warm When the Heat is Out

With winter upon us, any power outage means we’re without heat. Depending on where you are and just how cold it is, it can take anywhere from hours to days…

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Winter Survival in the Wild

Most of what I see about wilderness survival seems to be written as if all survival situations happen in the summertime, with good weather. There never seems to be any…

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What happens when you lack food, water, and sleep

Some of us are fortunate enough to have made preparations for various disasters, and we can get our families along with our bug-out gear and hit the road before the…

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The US Power Grid Under Attack – The North Carolina Power Substations Incident

By now, some of you may have read the news or seen the TV reports regarding the North Carolina power substation attacks. Tens of thousands of people were left without…

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How to make your own soap

In a survival situation, regardless of its magnitude, duration or outcome, hygiene will still be an important part of your preparations. If you don’t wash your hands and body, skin…

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Can We Survive an Asteroid Collision?

There are always TEOTWAWKI survival scenarios that capture the survival community’s imagination. For a number of years that’s been an EMP, although back around 2014 the possibility of an Ebola…

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Is nuclear war an imminent threat?

In recent American history, there have been times when we all believed that our actions would bring the end of humanity as we know it due to nuclear war. The…

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Off the Road in a Blizzard – What to Do

Anyone who lives in an area where snowstorms are common knows just how dangerous they can be. Even worse, just how dangerous it can be to drive in them. The…