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6 Items Your Homestead Needs To Survive A Winter Blackout

Survival in a Winter Blackout Many people prepare for winter weather by putting together a winter survival kit in their car. But too few prepare an additional kit for their…

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How Well Can Your Home Withstand Disasters?

For most of us, our homes are a key part of our survival strategy. Our “Plan A” is to bug in, staying home through the disaster and its aftermath. We…

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Spring Cleaning and prepping – Survivopedia

In case you haven’t heard yet, spring has sprung. Rather than realize that because of the calendar, I was made aware of it when our resident woodpecker arrived and started…

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Four survival stories that can teach you a lot

Throughout the annals of history, mankind has derived immense pleasure from the art of storytelling, a cherished tradition that transcends generations. It is widely believed that both songs and narratives…

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Survival Chemistry: Crafting and Storing Essential Solutions

Often, homesteading and survivalism can be defined by the simple fact that you have your own access to medical tools, energy, and food. However, having independent sources of useful solutions…

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Urban prepping mistakes that can get you killed

In a world of constant uncertainty, prepping has shifted from the fringe to a mainstream necessity. While rural preppers find solace in nature, urban survivalists grapple with navigating concrete jungles…

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Making a Survival Keychain – Survivopedia

Yeah, I know… it sounds hokey. The idea that we could make a keychain that would actually help us survive. We do survival kits in Altoid tins, make “survival bracelets”…

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Scavenging & Foraging Fuel, Food, Water, Power, and Other Survival Resources

What’s the difference between foraging, scavenging, and looting and why does it matter? When might someone need to scavenge? In ecology, scavengers consume other organisms that have died. In the…

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17 underrated prepping items you should stockpile

As someone dedicated to emergency preparedness, I’ve noticed a prevailing focus on recommended stockpiling, traditionally centered on tools like knives and guns and staples like rice and beans. While these…

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What to do, When You Think You’re All Prepared?

We talk a lot about what to do to prepare and how to do it. The journey of being a prepper is a long and challenging one. In truth, prepping…