Smoke Baths and Smudge Fires | TJack Survival

Smoke Baths and Smudge Fires | TJack Survival

Have you ever wondered why smoking meat keeps it preserved? Tyler White and David Holladay review why smoking meat works and how you can use a similar technique for personal hygiene during a long foray into the wood. Who wouldn’t…

Surviving Starvation during the Great Depression | ON Three

Surviving Starvation during the Great Depression | ON Three

Jason Salyer learns the survivalist tricks that his grandmother, and her family, used to stave off hunger during the Great Depression. Frying milkweed, how to stretch beans, and the multitude of ways fatback was used are just a couple of…

Cutting Down More Big Trees | Forest to Farm

Cutting Down More Big Trees | Forest to Farm

Brian and Terry are at it again clearing 3 more massive trees on their future homestead. Tune in now to see how it goes and learn along with them as they transform this Forest into a Farm. #LandClearing #Lumberjack #treeclearing…

What to Look For in a Knife | TJack Survival

What to Look For in a Knife | TJack Survival

Selecting a knife depends greatly on your environment, your “mission”, and your personal preferences. In this video, Tyler goes through his process for knife selection, what he looks for, and what he avoids. Be sure to watch this before you…

Survival Strategies in an Urban Environment | ON Three

Survival Strategies in an Urban Environment | ON Three

Are you ready if SHTF in the suburbs? Jason Salyer discusses survival strategies in an urban environment. In this video, he provides survival tips including water gathering, food storage, growing a small garden, home heating, and more! Tune in now…

Lansky Puck Tool Sharpener | Forest to Farm

Lansky Puck Tool Sharpener | Forest to Farm

Do you know what sucks? Working in the field and realizing your blade is dull. In this video, Brian and Terry discuss sharpening tools in the field using the Lansky Puck. It’s extremely versatile and easy to use. Watch now…

What's in my EDC Bag? | TJack Survival

What’s in my EDC Bag? | TJack Survival

Now that we understand the “Survival Rule of 3’s”, let’s discuss how to apply these to the practical world. Whenever you leave your home, you should AT MINIMUM bring fire, water, shelter, food, and a means of communication. These can…

The Worst Cities to Survive Societal Collapse

The Worst Cities to Survive Societal Collapse

#survival #prepping #preparedness In todays video we rate cities on their survivability after a grid down event. CANADIAN PREPPERS STORE / Premium Survival/ Emergency Equipment Gasmasks and Protective Equipment Emergency Food Supplies Survival Tools Shelter and…



Survival Dispatch and Big Daddy Unlimited have partnered with American Stories Entertainment to bring you, Surviving Mann! What is Surviving Mann? Hosted by Don Mann, Seal Team 6 Special Forces veteran and New York Times best-selling author, Surviving Mann is…

Temp Water Hookup | Forest to Farm

Temp Water Hookup | Forest to Farm

After a long wait, Brian and Terry finally hook up their water main! In this time-lapsed video, you’ll see the whole process from start to finish. #WaterHookup #TempWaterHookup #Homestead ————————————————————————– Sponsored by Big Daddy Unlimited – Revolutionizing the Online Gun…